Lobo Institute advises, consults, and teaches on current and future conflicts, how to end conflicts and prevent their recurrence, and how to help those most affected.

We advise government and non-government leaders on national security policy. We illuminate conflicts to a broader audience through documentaries. We conduct research on the development and evolution of international conflicts and the concepts that have proven effective. We advise national and international media through objective analysis in the areas of our expertise.
We advise policymakers, think tanks, and political candidates (on a non-partisan basis) on how to resolve conflicts, prevent their return and assist those that have been most adversely affected. We do so through our team’s expertise and our repository of interviews on best practices.
We invest in the leaders of our future by teaching remotely, through on-campus lectures, and in-person seminars and conferences at your location or in Whitefish, Montana. Classes and symposiums are centered on international and U.S. government policy. We conduct training courses to better prepare journalists and non-governmental organization personnel working in areas of conflict.
The co-founders are former members of special operations units and understand the value of individual strength and the power of the team. This balance is what the wolf’s survival depends on, hence Lobo (Spanish for wolf) was chosen as the name. The founders have decades of experience at the senior levels of national security policy and irregular warfare. They pair this background with diplomats, humanitarian aid workers, journalist and others to develop methods to reduce the human costs in current conflicts and better prepare for the future.

Contact via Wickr: LoboSF
National Security
The killing of Qassem Soleimani: Was there a better way? Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, January 13, 2020.
A tale of two partners: Comparing two approaches for partner force operations, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, January 29, 2020.
Russia’s Middle East: You probe with bayonets. If you find mush, you proceed, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, February 27, 2020.
ABC News: Protecting US troops will also safeguard national security, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, ABC News, April 28, 2020.
Jannah or Jahannam: Options for Dealing with ISIS Detainees, MIck Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, October 13, 2020.
Child Soldiers
Begin with the children: Child soldier numbers doubled in the Middle East in 2019, Mick Mulroy, Eric Oehlerich and Zack Baddorf, Middle East Institute, April 14, 2020.
Podcast: Child soldiers in the Middle East, Mick Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich, Middle East Institute, April 17, 2020.
Froglogic Podcast Michael Mulroy and Eric Oehlerich Help Child Soldiers, Mick Mulroy and Eric Ohlerich, Froglogic, May 15, 2020.

Mick is the President of Fogbow, a company that enables humanitarian operations globally. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for Grassroots Reconciliation Group, a nonprofit to help rehabilitate child soldiers, an ABC News National Security Analyst and Contributor, a Co-director of the Yemen Steering Initiative, and a Senior Fellow for National Security and Defense Policy for the Middle East Institute and a Co-President of the nonprofit End Child Soldiering. Mick is also a leading proponent of the philosophy of stoicism and is on the board of advisors for Plato's Academy in Athens, Greece.